Thursday 13 September 2012

day 6 started of with some drama and focus games the first is where you have to point at someone and say your own name if you said the persons name or anybodies besides your own you get labeled the fool till someone else does it. After that we did location, job and death which is a game that focuses on mime work followed by park bench which is an improvisation game of which I managed to invent something of the top of my head in less time than usual.

 We then had Wayne for a bit of vocal and breathing exercises. I learned that its easier to breath whilst lying down we followed it up with singing tunes whilst leaning back on high notes and forward with short ones.

 We then had a look around the college fair and ended the day with more mime work with Tom. We covered moving mime objects like a table during this I learned if you don't focus you could have real difficulty making it believable. We then did my favourite mime THE INVISIBLE SUITCASE named such for the invisible weight (or lack of weight) inside it. We then did a mime where on person tried lifting the heavy case whilst the other comes over picks it up as though its empty and tries to work off with it but the case won't let them then a third person walks in with a don't be an idiots attitude and walks of with it whilst the others are like awww you spoiled are trick.


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