Wednesday 12 September 2012

And on the first day so nervous but mostly tired the warm ups didn't help there but they certainly made me feel well stretched .
Follow by YOU as interesting as stand up comedy everyones facial expressions are different, it also shows what kind

of person you are based on the sound and physicality of the emotion displayed. After that came some paperwork we

had to locate a few places and which floor it was on, helps to know where you are I guess and then we had to locate fire

exits, extingusers and the fire assembly point.

Lunch and boy do I need it between warm ups and acting activities I'm left feeling drained but if it means I get

stronger Its all for the best.

The final assiment for the day was mellow dramatics we had to portray the roles of damsel, hero, old man and villian

in 5 groups of 4 it was a creative and interesting series of performances. we then worked on the physical appearence

of each character and walked around the whole room finaly we did a moving picture's excercise which involved half

the class walking from opposite sides of the room as any character in each different frame something would happen in

the first frame nothing the second frame a stabbing and the third frame parametics would run in in each frame would

take 3/4 takes in fast to begin with then slow motion for the rest to music. Each take would have to be done exactly

the same like in action replay.

First show this year is gonna be Robin Hood I think our cast is going to be the best one yet I can see they have

pertenshal and with the right encouragement this is gonna be the best 2 years of shows ever.

posted 4/9/2012

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